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Showing posts from August, 2017

Mind Maps, Mood Boards, Conceptual Models, Renderings

Back to second year. Unlike the first year where all the newbies studied the same courses together, we were separated into our majors in second year. Mine was interior design. Well, a brand new year. We moved to second year interior design studio (a small studio just to fit 20 persons) and we got new studiomasters! (as we have our studio project as the main subject, we called the lecturers as studiomasters, masters who lead the studio) So, how to start a design? Do mind mapping. Take a subject and start to elaborate about it. The core is to think.  After brainstorming, choose three design elements and principles that could make the design works. Design elements: point, line, shape, form, space, color and texture. Design principles: balance, proportion, perspective, emphasise, movement, pattern, repetition, rhythm, variety, harmony and unity. A simple example: start with flower as the subject, we can elaborate into colour (design element), organic shape(design element),

After 3 Years

Time flies, ya? It has been three years since my last post which was posted on September 2014. You could have imagined how tough interior design life (even as a student) could be.  My second and final year were filled with projects, assignments, pre-graduate exhibition, internships, projects, assignments and viva exhibition, and then graduate! =) It has been one year since I have stepped into working life. And it's totally a different life! Anyway, this blog is going to be active again ( I wish to keep my passion to write =) ) Gonna fill it with those missing moments in degree life and perhaps the working life as well. And I have a new theme for the blog, new breath for new start! Let's talk about design!