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Showing posts from November, 2013

Amphitheatre Stage

We are going to design an amphitheatre stage! Imagine a space located beside HBP studio which is 40mx50m, we have to design a 4.0m (width) x 6.0m (length) x 5.0m (height) amphitheatre stage with at least 100 audience seatings.  PROPOSED SITE FOR ‘AMPHITHEATRE STAGE’ PROPOSED SITE (CONTOUR PLAN) FOR ‘AMPHITHEATRE STAGE’ The stage is needed to have roof and use timber as main material. We are divided into 16-people groups. All the group members are representing different courses in HBP, symbolises the real construction and design team in construction industry. This is a BIG BIG BIG project! Site analysis, architectural and interior design, structure and material selection, simple costing, project management and construction technique are to be done in this project. It is like we are going to be a real working team and compete for a tender. Exciteness, worries and a lot of question marks filled up my mind. Some introduction about an amphitheathre: A